They say things come in threes. Hopefully it’s true as my van suffered 3 set backs recently, so don’t want any more. Firstly, it ground to a halt in the middle of a local street, see picture. Everything shut down & warning lights were flashing everywhere. I feared the worse, but fortunately it turned out to be a flywheel connecting a rubber band from the clutch to the alternator and was fixed without too big a bill. Next, on our first really cold morning, it decided it didn’t want to go out in the cold & was dead as a doornail. Anyway, thanks to the RAC, a tired old battery was not only diagnosed, but also replaced within the hour. Many thanks to RAC. Lastly, and hopefully, finally for now, my two front tyres had to be replaced, as the recent wet weather had emphasied the fact that limited tread is not a good thing. It cost me a days work, and a few pounds, but everything got re-organised and all caught up by the end of the week.
So, if you would like a quote, or just some advice on Blinds, give me a call or fill out the form on this page and I will get back to you.